Culture Caleidoscoop 2024-02-27T14:08:48+01:00 Editorial Team Open Journal Systems <p><em>Culture Caleidoscoop </em>is an online, peer-reviewed publication for research, critical reflection, and knowledge exchange on socially engaged practices across the cultural and heritage sectors. It is produced by and for a wide audience of reflective practitioners, practitioner-researchers, academic researchers, students, volunteers and others involved in socially engaged practice in the cultural and heritage sectors. <em>Culture Caleidoscoop</em> is intended for an international audience and aims to inspire others working in other disciplines who wish to learn more from and engage further with developments in the cultural and heritage sectors.</p> <p> </p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Culture Caleidoscoop is an activity of the Foundation Culture Shift. Culture Shift aims to stimulate inclusion, reflective practice, and exchange within the cultural sector. This is achieved through the organisation of relevant and inspiring events for cultural professionals as well as the production of Culture Caleidoscoop.</span></em></p> Museums: Safeguarding Our Memories in Perpetuity 2023-06-15T15:25:33+02:00 Hoyee Tse <p>The complexity of Hong Kong’s socio-political situation reveals the complexity of the role that museums are playing in representing collective memories and collective solidarity. The displays and collections of the institutions reflect the power dynamics amongst curators, funders, and audiences. In this contribution, I use one of the newest museums in Hong Kong, M Plus Museum (M+), as a case study to explore the concept of solidarity and how it is related to the collective memories represented by museums. I first focus on the special project, the Hong Kong Visual Culture collection, and its inaugural exhibition to examine whether it can produce a sense of collective solidarity as a sentiment. Then, based on the interconnection between collective memories, collective solidarity, and museum displays, I investigate the dilemma that M+ faces in relation to the political standpoint of its funders and audiences.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hoyee Tse Solidarity and volunteering in cultural heritage 2023-05-26T17:57:30+02:00 Miguel Senra Hermana <p>The following contribution reflects upon the understanding of the act of solidarity in relation to heritage volunteering projects and emerging professionals. I will mostly draw upon my own experience as a volunteer in various projects, but I will also present some of the testimonies, experiences, and thoughts on the topic from other volunteer colleagues that participated in the projects with me in the projects of European Solidarity Corps and Servizio Civile Universale.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Miguel Senra Hermana Building intercultural communities through solidarity 2023-06-09T14:27:44+02:00 Nadia Alejandra Jiménez Ortiz José Luis Santillán Sánchez Melisa Palferro Israel Molas Narváez Jesús Lozano Paredes Nisaguie Abril Flores Cruz Lucio Leyva Cruz Miguel Mireles Ramírez TRANSLATION BY: Ana San Vicente Juambelz <p>At a time when neoliberal capitalism is responsible for intensifed exploitation, dispossession, repression, and contempt towards the peoples of the Global South, the expressions of struggle and resistance that emerge from Indigenous peoples have become a reference point for various social groups who share the goal of building a world in which many worlds ft. Within this context, some of us in organised civil society are experimenting with ways to support these emancipatory processes while at the same time seeking to learn how to reimagine our own urban realities and create our own vision of autonomy. With this photo essay, the Centre for Research into Community Communication (CICC by its Spanish initials) aims to share its experiences with readers. CICC is a Mexican non-proft organisation made up of individuals of Indigenous and mestizo backgrounds, who have chosen to practie solidarity in an activist way. Throughout our journey we have found in art and culture a light that, even in the most challenging of moments, illuminates the possibility of another world.</p> <p> </p> <p>This is a translation of ‘Construyendo comunidades interculturales desde la solidaridad’, DOI: 10.57031/culcal.v2i1.18152</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nadia Alejandra Jiménez Ortiz, José Luis Santillán Sánchez ; Melisa Palferro; Israel Molas Narváez, Jesús Lozano Paredes, Nisaguie Abril Flores Cruz, Lucio Leyva Cruz, Miguel Mireles Ramírez; TRANSLATION BY: Ana San Vicente Juambelz Construyendo comunidades interculturales desde la solidaridad 2023-11-11T10:44:34+01:00 Nadia Alejandra Jiménez Ortiz José Luis Santillán Sánchez Israel Molas Narváez Jesús Lozano Paredes Nisaguie Abril Flores Cruz Lucio Leyva Cruz Miguel Mireles Ramírez <p>En un tiempo donde el capitalismo neoliberal ha intensificado la explotación, el despojo, la represión y el desprecio hacia los pueblos del sur global, las expresiones de lucha y resistencia que emana de los pueblos indígenas se convierte en una referencia para grupos sociales multidiversos que compartimos el objetivo de construir un mundo donde quepan muchos mundos. En este contexto, desde la sociedad civil organizada, experimentamos formas de acompañar estos procesos emancipatorios, buscando aprender para imaginar sobre nuestros territorios urbanos, formas y modos propios de autonomía. Con este foto ensayo, queremos compartir la experiencia del CICC, una organización sin fines de lucro integrada por hombres y mujeres, indígenas y mestizos, que hemos elegido ejercer la solidaridad de forma militante, y que en nuestro andar hemos encontrado en el arte y la cultura, una luz que en los momentos más difíciles, muestra la posibilidad de otro mundo.</p> <p>This article is translated into English, ‘Building Intercultural Communities Through Solidarity: A Mexican Case Study’, DOI: 10.57031/culcal.v2i1.14616</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nadia Alejandra Jimenez Ortiz Navigating identities and building support community through art 2023-05-26T18:11:24+02:00 Khaoula Stiti <p>In this paper, I embark on a personal journey as an African woman and migrant researcher residing in Brussels, delving into the intersection of identity, academia, and solidarity. Beyond traditional academic confines, I navigate intricate power dynamics and uncover the significance of community and art. I acknowledge the challenges African researchers face in global academia, emphasising the need for solidarity and support within the academic community. Reflecting on my experiences as a researcher affiliated with an engineering institution, I discuss the reluctance in the engineering community to embrace decolonial methodologies and the tension between traditional academic expectations and unconventional approaches. Additionally, I delve into my identity as an African woman and migrant, highlighting challenges faced both in Tunisia and Brussels. This paper underscores the vital role of art and creative expression in fostering solidarity amongst marginalised communities and concludes by emphasising the importance of working from the margins to challenge power imbalances in academia and society.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khaoula Stiti You need our eyes to see us 2023-08-08T13:12:57+02:00 Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell <p>Solidarity is a multifaceted concept often influenced by personal narratives and cultural<br />contexts. In some cases, it can be distorted by superficial displays, as seen in ‘solidarity-washing’<br />prevalent in various sectors. Breaking free from this cycle necessitates a fresh perspective. Museums<br />and children offer a unique avenue. A pilot initiative, conducted by the Museum of Communication<br />of Bern in collaboration with Cultural Inquiry, reveals that the minds of children, and in particular those<br />from migrant backgrounds, can offer genuine insights into authentic solidarity. Through the innovative<br />‘Children’s Board’ methodology, children’s unfiltered thoughts and actions illuminate a path toward a<br />sincerity-based, children-centric approach to solidarity, emphasizing radical vulnerability and genuine<br />care.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell Solidaire: Practising solidarity 2023-11-23T14:43:40+01:00 Siân Hunter Dodsworth Elene Kadagidze Aleena Karim Finn K. Strüder <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Solidarity is enacted in various ways in the arts, cultural, and heritage sectors, and the concept continues to evolve. Solidaire as a verb implies an ongoing relationship, action, or practice. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">This editorial takes the form of a conversation between the guest editors and reflects on the theme of solidarity and how each of the first wave of contributions published have approached the theme in unique ways. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">While the contributions explore solidarity within different areas of the world, different types of organisation and on a more human level (concerned with people/individuals) as well as organisational and institutional level, together they make the frictions between practices of solidarity visible and several common themes have emerged.</span></p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Siân Hunter Dodsworth, Elene Kadagidze, Aleena Karim, Finn K. Strüder