Building intercultural communities through solidarity

A Mexican case study


  • Nadia Alejandra Jiménez Ortiz Centro de Investigación en Comunicación Comunitaria
  • José Luis Santillán Sánchez Centro de Investigación en Comunicación Comunitaria
  • Melisa Palferro
  • Israel Molas Narváez
  • Jesús Lozano Paredes
  • Nisaguie Abril Flores Cruz
  • Lucio Leyva Cruz
  • Miguel Mireles Ramírez
  • TRANSLATION BY: Ana San Vicente Juambelz



support and accompaniment, Indigenous peoples, art, culture, solidarity


At a time when neoliberal capitalism is responsible for intensifed exploitation, dispossession, repression, and contempt towards the peoples of the Global South, the expressions of struggle and resistance that emerge from Indigenous peoples have become a reference point for various social groups who share the goal of building a world in which many worlds ft. Within this context, some of us in organised civil society are experimenting with ways to support these emancipatory processes while at the same time seeking to learn how to reimagine our own urban realities and create our own vision of autonomy. With this photo essay, the Centre for Research into Community Communication (CICC by its Spanish initials) aims to share its experiences with readers. CICC is a Mexican non-proft organisation made up of individuals of Indigenous and mestizo backgrounds, who have chosen to practie solidarity in an activist way. Throughout our journey we have found in art and culture a light that, even in the most challenging of moments, illuminates the possibility of another world.


This is a translation of ‘Construyendo comunidades interculturales desde la solidaridad’, DOI: 10.57031/culcal.v2i1.18152




How to Cite

Jiménez Ortiz, Nadia Alejandra, José Luis Santillán Sánchez, Israel Molas Narváez, Jesús Lozano Paredes, Nisaguie Abril Flores Cruz, Lucio Leyva Cruz, and Miguel Mireles Ramírez. 2024. “Building Intercultural Communities through Solidarity : A Mexican Case Study ”. Translated byMelisa Palferro and TRANSLATION BY: Ana San Vicente Juambelz. Culture Caleidoscoop 2 (1).